Switch and save up to 10% when you buy Cornhill Direct Car Insurance online. Get up to 65% no claims bonus for 5 years claim free motoring. Now you can choose the car insurance to suit you from comprehensive, third party fire and theft or third party only policies listed below.
Cornhill Direct started in 1905 and has over the decades grown through innovation and acquisition to be one of the UK's biggest and well known insurance companies. Cornhill Direct are part of Allianz Insurance group.
Cornhill Direct as well as offering car insurance do offer several other insurance products such as Home Insurance and Van Insurance.
Cornhill Car Insurance contact details:
Address: 57 Ladymead, Guildford, Surrey GU1 1DB
Phone Number: 0800 60 70 70
Website: http://www.cornhilldirect.co.uk/motor/index.asp