You need to work out how much money you want to borrow first, but don’t forget that you are borrowing money from a loan lender and they will charge you interest on top of the amount of money that you want to lend.
Before you start you need to pick the right type of loan for your requirements.
Secured loans the maximum you can borrow is 150,000 GBP.
Unsecured loans the maximum you can borrow is 25,000 GBP.
Payday loans the maximum you can borrow is 1,000 GBP.
Now visit our loans comparison table and pick the right type of loan you want. Then look through the deals and see who is offering the lowest interest rates.
Use a loan calculator to calculate the total amount repayable for the loan. You will need to decide on how long you want to pay back the loan. It could be 2 years or even 15 years.
Compare APR’s from leading loan lenders with our loans comparison table.