There are many specialist car insurance policies for drivers to choose from and include, women’s, young driver, over 50s, student, classic cars, 4X4s, imported cars, kit cars, modified cars, performance and sports car.
A regular car insurance policy might not be the right policy for your circumstances or vehicle. So if you own a vehicle or have special circumstances then a different type of insurance might be the way forward.
Specialist car insurance policies include:Women are statistically less likely to be involved in a car accident than men, and that’s why women can get a cheaper premium than men. They are basically, less risk to the insurer. A feature that you do not get with a regular policy but with women’s is handbag cover.
Youngsters or drivers that have only just passed their driving test are seen as young drivers. They are motorists that are more likely to be involved in an accident than any other group. They are deemed to be very high risk and a very expensive premium.
Statistically drivers that are over the age of 50 are low risk to the insurers as they are less likely to be involved in an accident than any other age group. Drivers that are aged over 50 can get a much lower premium when they buy from a specialist provider.
Again, young drivers will mostly receive a higher premium than other groups, but help is provided for students to give them an affordable premium with some specialist providers.
If you own a car that is over 10 years old and over the value of 15,000 GBP is considered to be a classic car.
Drivers that own a 4x4 vehicle may want to get a quote from a specialist provider because some insurers see them as higher risk. They can be very expensive on repairs and can also cause more damage in an accident than a regular car.
If you have built a kit car and require insurance, then you should look for a policy from a specialist provider.
Buying a car from another country will require the owner to buy a specialist policy or import car insurance policy. Imported cars meet different regulations than the ones that are that imposed in the UK. There are two different types; grey and parallel imports. Both types will affect the price of your premium.
Thinking of supercharging your car or adding a new spoiler? Then think again! Adding modifications to your vehicle can cause the premium to increase. If you have modified your vehicle for performance or style then you should consider modified car insurance.
High performance sports cars may require a specialist type of insurance. Consider getting a quote for your vehicle from a sports car insurance provider.
For all your motor insurance needs take a look at our car insurance comparison and find the best car insurance deal for your circumstances and vehicle.