Scottish Widows Savings Accounts

Scottish Widows Savings Accounts have a great selection of e-savings accounts for you to choose from with varying levels of access and interest rate options.

Want a great Savings Account? Scottish Widows Savings Accounts has the answer. Apply online!

Scottish Widows Savings Accounts

Want a great Savings Account?

Scottish Widows Policy Features

  • High rates of Interest AER
  • Internet Banking
  • Minimum balance only £100.
  • Bonus AER available
  • Apply online for a Scottish Widows Savings Account!

Editors Review

Scottish Widows Bank Savings Accounts include an Instant Transfer Account, 60 Day Notice Account and E-Cash ISA.

Scottish Widows also offer pensions, investments and many protection products.

Scottish Widows Savings Accounts contact details:
Address: Not available
Phone Number: 0845 455 22 22
